Matrices are useful for writing linear systems more compactly. Instead of writing linear systems as:
We could write the linear systems using matrices:
Matrix calculations
The four relevant operators are:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Scalar multiplication
- Matrix multiplication
Addition and subtraction are straight-forward and work only with matrices that have the same dimensions. Scalar multiplication is also straight-forward; each element would be multiplied by a single number. Matrix multiplication, takes each row of the left factor and multiplies it with each column of the right factor. For example:
An $m \times n$ matrix multiplied by an $n \times p$ matrix, yields an $m \times p$ matrix. In the example above, the multiplication of a 3 by 2 matrix to a 2 by 2 matrix, yielded a 3 by 2 matrix. Furthermore, changing the order of factors usually results in a completely different product and matrices can only be multiplied if the number of columns in the left factor matches the number of row in the right factor.
Special matrices
A zero matrix is a matrix where all elements are equal to zero.
If we transpose this 2 by 3 matrix:
we get this 3 by 2 matrix:
Symmetric matrices are square matrices that are symmetric around their main diagonals; a symmetric matrix is always equal to its transpose. For example:
Triangular matrices are square matrices in which the elements either above or below the main diagonal are all equal to zero. Here’s an example of an upper triangular matrix:
Here’s an example of a lower triangular matrix:
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix in which all elements that are not part of its main diagonal are equal to zero. For example:
Identity matrices are are square matrices with $n $ rows, where all elements on the main diagonal are equal to 1 and all other elements are 0. For example:
Multiplying a matrix with the identity matrix yields a product equal to the original matrix.
If the product of two square matrices is an identity matrix, then the two factor matrices are inverses of each other. For example: